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Imagine driving down a secluded two-lane highway one evening – there are plenty here in California and across the country – and you need to speed up to pass another vehicle. You accelerate and move in to the oncoming lane. The posted speed limit is 55 mph, but you have to hit 65 to avoid oncoming traffic. You hit the gas, but then your car hits the brakes.
If Democrats in Sacramento had their way, this would be a reality. And, to me, it’s a scary, and potentially deadly one. California Senate Bill 961, aimed to do just that.
Sadly, it’s not the worst bill I’ve seen introduced this year, and as disturbing as it would be to put the government in the driver’s seat, it’s even more appalling that this is the kind of legislation California Democrats are prioritizing.
If the government requires all cars to automatically brake for us when we hit 10 mph over the limit, we’re in trouble. And, if Democrats in Sacramento think this is our most important issue, then buckle up, because we’re in it for one heck of a ride.
To put it lightly, we’re facing some pretty tough issues in our state right now – rising crime, rampant homelessness, sky-high taxes and the high cost of living, just to name a few. Not to mention, a massive state budget deficit.
As a representative in the California state Senate, it’s my job to fight for our communities and fix these pressing issues so we can live safely and affordably in the state we love to call home. And, that’s the job of every one of my legislative colleagues too, regardless of where they’re from or what party they belong to.
Sadly, Democrats in Sacramento are missing the mark. They share no interest in working together to balance the budget, solve California’s climbing crime rates, or make life more affordable for everyday Californians, like you and me.
Instead, they’re focused on harebrained initiatives that solve none of these critical issues, and serve only to force big government deeper into every facet of our lives.
They’ve introduced a horde of other ridiculous bills this year. Measures that force schools to hand out condoms, ban plastic grocery bags, outlaw propane canisters for camping stoves and the list goes on. Cockamamie concepts that only further tarnish the Golden State, and have no business being enacted into law.
I fought hard against this government overreach bill as soon as it was introduced and thankfully, with the help of my Republican colleagues, I was able to force the bill to be toned down. Currently, the measure only proposes that your car will beep at you when you exceed the speed limit.
What the “beep” are they thinking?
This is an unnecessary intrusion on our daily lives. No doubt, Democrat lawmakers will be back next year aiming to step on our toes and put their feet on our pedals once again.
They always want more.
I advocate for everyday Californians because that’s who I am, and that’s who I care about. I only wish that Sacramento Democrats would focus on affordability.
The California State Legislature must address the issues that matter most to Californians, and enact righteous laws. It’s time to take the wheel and lead by driving down costs, and making California a safer and more affordable place to live and raise our families.
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