Have you ever experienced a day so hectic that you had little time for a deep thought, let alone for leisurely activities? No matter our age or stage of life, schedules can be full, leaving little time to enjoy quiet moments. Something always grabs our attention, from cellphone notifications to emails to social media messages to outings and events. It is possible for an entire day to go by without us realizing we haven’t even had two minutes of quiet time before the day is over.
I have experienced many days of studies, sports, family care, work, writing, ministry, and housework that leaves me struggling to find a quiet moment. At times, the demands on my time interfere with my desire to spend longer moments in prayer or meditation with God.
Mark 1:35 NLT says, Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.
Before being approached by His disciples or townspeople, Jesus deliberately rose early to pray alone in a secluded place. He loved people and had compassion for them, yet He prioritized isolation for quiet prayer. He showed us that we can value time with our families, friends, communities, and those we are called to, but still prioritize our quiet time with the Lord.
Jesus’ example of pursuing quiet time is a model for us, even in today’s often action-packed society. It is important we make time for prayer and quiet time before the needs of others overtake our schedules. We can wake up determined to spend time in prayer, but as soon as our feet hit the floor, we may remember the laundry we did not fold, the email we need to send, or the groceries we must buy. Instead of starting our day with God, we are swept into the cycle of busyness. Comparatively, Jesus could have easily justified tending to the demands of His ministry first, but chose to prioritize His time with the Father.
When will you find time in your day for quiet moments with God? Maybe the mornings give you opportunities to spend quality moments with God. Perhaps evenings best suit you for a time of prayer and meditation with God in this season of your life. God desires to meet and hear from you in prayer, regardless of the time of day.
Let us make time to pray now.
Father God, we ask You to quiet our hearts, minds, and bodies so we can concentrate on You. We desire to make space for You in our lives, in this season and beyond. Please allow us to be still so we are prepared for the life and work we have ahead of us. Show us how to imitate Jesus and discover places to be alone with You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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