“So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.” (Ezra 8:23 NIV)
We hope you enjoyed this week as we scratched the surface of fasting—its principles, power, and promises, as well as its blessings and pitfalls. Today, as we reflect on decisions we’ve made to put God first in our lives, let’s praise Him for all He has done for us and for teaching us to fast and pray.
Key Points from This Week
–Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline: Fasting is not just a physical act; it’s a spiritual discipline that helps us align with God’s will for our lives. Through fasting, we surrender our bodies and souls to His authority, clearing the way for a deeper connection and guidance.
The Discipline and Power of Fasting: Fasting is not a punishment. It is not us reprimanding our flesh because of its desire to sin, but rather helping it to be reconnected with the Creator of it. It’s putting it, our body and soul, in its rightful place so it can grow and change. We place God above our earthly needs and desires, unlocking spiritual power and bringing breakthroughs.
–Avoiding Empty Fasting: Isaiah 58 teaches the importance of fasting with a pure heart. Self-serving or insincere fasting misses the mark. Fasting that pleases God will produce justice, compassion, and a heart aligned with God’s will rather than mere outward displays of piety.
–Promises of True Fasting: Fasting comes with fruit. When a fast takes place with a sincere heart, alignment to the will and heart of God happens. And when that happens, there is overflow—light breaking forth like the dawn, healing, righteousness, and God’s presence as our rear guard. Our love grows and compels us to act.
–Fasting to Reignite Our Faith: Love is a verb. It’s a doing word, an action. It requires us to transition from just the fixtures and fittings of Christianity to an active and responsive faith. A faith that impacts those around us and changes their world. A faith that meets the broken in their brokenness and calls them higher. A faith that is not afraid to get on its knees to wash the dirty feet of the wanderer. That’s the kind of fasting we need—the kind that reignites our faith.
The Table: An Opportunity: Finally, we considered the significance of Sundays during Lent when we break our fast for a day (and the inevitable end of our fast). Something special happens when we sit together around a table over food. Sharing a meal with others is an opportunity to gather and speak about what the Lord is doing in and through you. The table becomes a place to build relationships just as our Lord did during His earthly ministry.
Questions for Reflection
- What have I hungered and thirsted for this week? Has my fasting drawn me closer to God’s heart?
- Do I have an unhealthy relationship with food?
- What have I realized about my dependence on God?
- What breakthroughs or fruits of fasting have I seen?
- When my fast is on break or over, who can I invite to “the table” for fellowship and a meal?
Next week, we will add Prayer to our Lent series. Jesus fasted and prayed. He’s a great model for us to follow.
We pray you have a restful day.
Bless you.
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